Get a free report card of your business marketing performance in business listings, website, Ecommerce, SEO, digital advertising, social media and reviews.
Business Listings
The Snapshot Report aggregates data from over 70 directories to show:
Number of listings
Accuracy of listings
Missing sites
You need accurate listings on a lot of business directories to ensure people can find you online. Get put on the map with an abundance of accurate listings
Web Site
The Snapshot Report leverages Google PageSpeed Insights to assess your website for:
Mobile responsiveness
Load speed
Snapshot Report identifies your organic keyword performance stacked up against your competitors.
Local Search Results
Top competitors
Number of keywords
Monthly value of clicks
As a local business owner, you need to have popular keywords to ensure potential customers find you before your competition.
The Snapshot Report aggregates data from over 30 customer review sites to highlight:
Number of reviews
Recency of reviews
Average score
Local businesses must continually collect fresh reviews and strive for a 4-5 star review rating to establish trust and credibility
Social Media
The Snapshot Report pits a prospect’s social presence against that of similar businesses in regards to:
Number of posts
Size of audience
Local businesses must keep their followers engaged to grow their audience and build brand loyalty.
Grow their engagement, grow their audienc
Digital Advertising
The Snapshot Report recommends keywords that will generate the most impressions and clicks for your business. The report also identifies how you stack up against your competition
Keyword overlap
Number of paid keywords
Monthly paid clicks
Monthly ad budget
You need to know the right keywords to ensure that your target audience knows about your business. Uncover golden opportunities with search, social, and display advertising.